Learn Quran Recitation

Learning how to recite the Quran can be a rewarding experience. It is a way to connect with Allah and deepen your understanding of His message. However, it can also be challenging. There are certain techniques that must be mastered in order to accurately recite the Quran. This blog post will provide tips on how to learn Quran recitation quickly and effectively.

Recite Surat Al-Fatiha First

It is best to start with the basics. This means reciting Surat al-Fatiha, which contains seven verses. It is a short chapter that can be learned easily and will provide good practice for your tajweed rules before moving on to more complicated chapters.

Learn the Tajweed Rules

Tajweed refers to the proper pronunciation of recitation. It is necessary to learn the Quran with tajweed rules before you can recite anything. There are online resources that explain these rules in detail, but here are some basic examples:

– The first word of every chapter starts with a damma (ِ ) or fatHa ( ّ  ). This is important because it helps to identify the chapter and keep your recitation consistent.

– Within a verse, there should be a pause on every letter fatha ( َ ), kasra ( ِ ) and damma ( ُ ). For example, in “In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful,” there should be a pause on every “In,” and when reciting in pairs, such as “Most Gracious” and “Most Merciful.”

– The ta’ ( ة ) is pronounced with the longest possible vowel. For example, in “Quran” it would be with a long ‘a’ o.

– The letter ‘ain ( ع ) is pronounced with the ‘a’ short, similar to an “e” sound.

– The letters daad ( ذ ), saad ( ص ) and faad are flipped backwards when recited. It should be close to gaaf, so if you push your tongue up towards the roof of your mouth you should be able to feel it.

– The letter qaaf ( ق ) is pronounced with the sides of your tongue touching your back teeth, similar to a ‘k’ sound.

Practice tajweed rules by reciting the Quran online, sources are available online free or for a small price.

Benefit from Quran academy online resources and lessons. Quran Iqra Academy is an online resources that can teach you how to recite the Quran properly, it can also be helpful for learning rules.

Learn Other Suras After You Have Mastered Surat Al-Fatiha

As you become more confident in your recitation, you should start trying out longer suras. This will allow you to begin memorizing larger portions of the Quran. However, remember not to rush this process because it is easy to make mistakes and slow down your learning. It may be helpful to try small sections at a time (for example, Surat al-Baqarah) or even individual verses (such as Ayat ul-Kursi).

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