How and Why to Hire an Online Quran Tutor for Kids

How and Why to Hire an Online Quran Tutor for Kids

Online Education Today:

Today, whether you are a kid or an adult, learning online has made things easier for everyone. While all the schools and colleges, all over the world are now giving classes online, many religious institutions have adapted to the norm and are giving classes online as well.

Teachers are coming up with various digital tools and resources to teach the children online as effectively as possible. Classes are essentially given on zoom and google rooms, and then a variety of tools like an interactive live session, Virtual reality, and Gamification are being used to increase the engagement of students in their online classes.

An online Quran Academy in Pakistan generally offers classes for kids and adults, at various time schedules and course structures.

Why Hire an On Online Quran Tutor?

The question is, why not hire an online Quran tutor? When primary education is given to children over online platforms then why not the same for Quran education. The benefit of it is that it is mainly convenient for adults to accommodate online lessons in their regular schedules.

There was a time, when Quran education meant going to a madrassah, commuting to it, and then taking group classes for it. But today online education means individual focus, which means a better sense of understanding between the tutor and student.

Today, because education is easily available even adults don’t feel hesitant anymore. The older generation usually feels hesitant towards learning Quran at an older age, but because of this online flexibility of learning Quran at home, now adults feel comfortable learning Quran as well.

In this article, we have outlined the various benefits of hiring an online tutor.

  1. Flexible timing: The benefit of hiring an online tutor is the flexible timing it offers. Various Quran academies offer classes at various timing that are feasible for students, adults, and elders as well. It becomes easier for students to take these extra classes at an hour that suits their schedule best.
  2. Qualified Teachers: A lot of tutors that are offering classes online and qualified and proficient in their field of education. So if you want to learn Quran with tajweed, you can be satisfied that you are learning these classes from teachers who are well versed and proficient in the field. And if you are not satisfied, online academies offer you to switch your teachers as well.

A lot of Islamic scholars now are also offering online classes that you can take to start your journey towards Islam.

  • Personalized Lessons: When learning online, a tutor is always offering a one on one class. This means that there is a better understanding between the teacher and student. So The course outline can be personalized as per the student’s understanding. A lot of teachers are better able to teach the student efficiently when they have an idea about their strong and weak points.
  • Convenience for students: A lot of adults can take online classes because of the convenience factor. What do we mean by the convenience factor? By this we mean you can be a parent and taking care of your child and you can still attend your class. You can be on a long commute to your workplace and you can take a class on your way to work. Similarly, the flexibility that you can take classes from anywhere and at any time.
  • Affordable Quran Classes: Unlike schools and colleges, Quran classes are priced in a way that is affordable for everyone. A lot of Quran tutors also give classes for the sole reason to make religious knowledge common among Muslims. In Islam, there is a concept that if you are educating masses about Islam it is a deed that will reap a lot of benefits and rewards.

On the other hand, even if the classes are priced, they are usually done at affordable rates for a common man to avail. A lot of online Quran academies in Pakistan will also offer you discounts or scholarships if you need them.

How to Hire an Online Quran Tutor for Kids?

It is fairly easy to get an online tutor today. Follow the steps Below

  • Surf the internet for Online Quran classes for kids
  • You can filter out search results according to the geographical location if it matters.
  • Check the reviews of Quran academies online. If you have a reference then that’s well and good.
  • Once you have the academy finalized, all you have to do is choose the course you want to learn and an instructor that suits you.
  • A lot of females prefer to take classes from female tutors or others might have some other preferences.
  • Add the course, Pay the fees and start your classes.

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