How Do I Read Quran With Tajweed?

How Do I Read Quran With Tajweed?

The Holy Quran is a book of Allah Almighty which He sent to mankind through His beloved Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him). It is also a book that is the source of legislation. In this Holy Book, there are rules and regulations about living a prosperous life. The Holy book also contains guidance to live life in both worlds here and hereafter. It should be recited correctly with all rules of tajweed so, for that purpose, there are Online Quran Academies in Pakistan that guide to learn the Quran correctly.

History of Tajweed:

When the Holy book was revealed on Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) there was no concept of reading the Quran with tajweed because all the Arab people were already aware of the tajweed concept and they read the Holy book with tajweed. When Islam spreads and Arabs mix with non- Arabs then it became necessary for Muslims to learn Quran with tajweed and to learn its rules. Due to the mixing of people, there were mistakes in recitation.

Tajweed Invention:

Tajweed was invented by Abu Ubaid al-Qasim bin Salam. He was the first person to record tajweed. He set the rules for it and also assigns the names of the rules. All this was written in his book called al-Qiraat.

Importance of Reading Quran with Tajweed:

When the Holy Quran was revealed on Prophet it was already revealed with tajweed. Hazrat Jibreel when came to Hazrat Muhammad (Peace be upon him) he read the Quran with tajweed so we can understand its importance. It is an obligation upon us to read the book with correct tajweed. All words of the Holy Quran are the words of Allah Almighty so we should recite them with full care and should take its recitation very seriously. To avoid mistakes while reading the Quran we should observe the rules of the tajweed.

Purpose of Tajweed:

The purpose of reading the Quran with tajweed is its correct pronunciation. Not everyone knows the recitation of the Quran. Recitation of the Quran should be done, with the correct Makharij and Sifaat. They both are an important part of tajweed. Every Muslim should know the attributes of the letters if he does not recite them with correct attributes then it will change the meaning of the words in the Holy Quran. For that purpose, it is very necessary to learn the rules of tajweed first and then apply them in your daily recitation of the Holy Quran. Your heart will get satisfaction and contentment by reading the Quran with correct tajweed.

Keys for Pronunciation:

Recitation of the Holy Quran with tajweed becomes difficult for non-Arabs because they did not learn the rules for their convenience, invented the keys for pronunciation of tajweed rules. These keys help the people who did not learn the Quran with tajweed. They can also recite Quran correctly.

Rules of Tajweed:

Some basic rules of tajweed to be followed are:

Outlook of Heart:

The first rule of tajweed is the manners of heart. It means before starting the reading of the Quran, it should be free from all worldly thoughts. Our mind and brain should be clear.

Outlook of External Body:

While recitation of the Holy Quran, our clothes and our body should be neat and clean. The place where we recite the Holy Quran should also be neat and clean.

Emission Points of the Letters:

They are also known as Makharij-ul-Huroof. It means that the letters are pronounced, from which body part. The letters are pronounced from the mouth, through lips, and the throat. Each pronounced letter from different parts of the body will have a different sound.

Characteristics of the Letters:

They are known as Sifaat-ul-Huruf. It refers to the different features and qualities of the letters. It is also concerned with the utterance of the letters. Some were in different ways. Their point of junction and unification considered.

Rule to Pronounce Saakinah and Tanween:

There are four cases to learn the correct pronunciation of Saakinah and Tanween which are Izhar, Ikhfa, Idgham, and Iqlaab. They should be learned correctly.

Pronunciation of Muddud Letter:

The letters with Mudd on them are pronounced, with prolongation. They recited when there is a Mudd on the vowel letter.

What You Will Achieve?

By learning the correct rules of Tajweed and by implementing them in your recitation. You can achieve the following;

  • You will achieve a firm understanding of the tajweed rules.
  • You can strengthen the tajweed practice by watching more videos on the internet related to the rules of tajweed.
  • You will be able to recite the Quran correctly and confidently.
  • You can further teach these tajweed learning skills to others. It will develop your confidence.

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